

1/4 日に、実家から戻ってきて、そのまま職場に。


(そういえば、実家から戻ってくるときにも小規模なトラブルが... )

6, 7 日と連続で、27 時過ぎだからナ... (というか、今週は、その日のうちに帰った試しが... )



Speech In Favor of Capital Punishment (1/3)

 J・S・ミルの「死刑を擁護する演説」(John Stuart Mill, Speech in favor of capital punishment - PhilPapers)を訳しつつ読んでいるんだけど、忙しくて終わらないので、最初の 1/3 くらいだけブログに載せちゃおう。

 読むだけは、もう少し先まで読んでるけど、まだ全部は読んでいない( 1/2 くらい)。

 三浦俊彦掲示板で紹介していた(三浦俊彦のページ: 電子掲示板(過去ログ))のを思い出して読んでみようと思ったのだった。




エヴァンス事件 1949 年にロンドンで起こった冤罪事件。妻と娘の殺害容疑で逮捕されたティモシー・エヴァンスには虚言癖があり、供述は二転三転したが、裁判では一貫して否認した。しかし、凶器と目撃証言により死刑が確定し、処刑された。その後目撃証言に証言をした男が真犯人として逮捕された。この事件をきっかけに、イギリスでは死刑が廃止された。

田上孝一『本当にわかる倫理学』(p.197 一口メモ))

Speech In Favor of Capital Punishment


… It would be a great satisfaction to me if I were able to support this Motion. It is always a matter of regret to me to find myself, on a public question, opposed to those who are called—sometimes in the way of honour, and sometimes in what is intended for ridicule—the philanthropists. Of all persons who take part in public affairs, they are those for whom, on the whole, I feel the greatest amount of respect; for their characteristic is, that they devote their time, their labour, and much of their money to objects purely public, with a less admixture of either personal or class selfishness, than any other class of politicians whatever. On almost all the great questions, scarcely any politicians are so steadily and almost uniformly to be found on the side of right; and they seldom err, but by an exaggerated application of some just and highly important principle.


On the very subject that is now occupying us we all know what signal service they have rendered. It is through their efforts that our criminal laws—which within my memory hanged people for stealing in a dwelling house to the value of 40s.-laws by virtue of which rows of human beings might be seen suspended in front of Newgate by those who ascended or descended Ludgate Hill—have so greatly relaxed their most revolting and most impolitic ferocity, that aggravated murder is now practically the only crime which is punished with death by any of our lawful tribunals; and we are even now deliberating whether the extreme penalty should be retained in that solitary case. This vast gain, not only to humanity, but to the ends of penal justice, we owe to the philanthropists; and if they are mistaken, as I cannot but think they are, in the present instance, it is only in not perceiving the right time and place for stopping in a career hitherto so eminently beneficial. Sir, there is a point at which, I conceive, that career ought to stop.

私たちがかかずらあっているまさにこの議題についても彼らのしてきた素晴らしい奉仕を私たちは皆知ってています。私たちの刑法がー私の記憶では 40 シリングの価値のものを住居から盗んだ人が絞首刑になったことがありますー[また]この刑法のおかげで Ludgate Hill を上り下りする人たちは Newgate の前で縛り首になった人たちをみたことでしょうー刑法が一番不愉快で一番愚かな残酷性を大きく緩和し、今では実質的に深刻な殺人だけがの法の定めた裁きによって死をもって罰せられる犯罪になったのです。そして私たちはいままさに唯一のケースについても極刑を残しておくべきかということを話し合っています。人間性に対するというだけでなく、刑罰の公正さという目的に対するこの大きな成果は、博愛主義者によるものなのです。そしてもし彼らが[死刑廃止を議論している]いまこの時において間違っているー私にはそうとしか思えないのですがーとしても立ち止まることが極めて有益な正しい時と場所に気づいていないだけなのです。みなさん、歩みを止めるべき点というものがあると、私は思うのです。

When there has been brought home to any one, by conclusive evidence, the greatest crime known to the law; and when the attendant circumstances suggest no palliation of the guilt, no hope that the culprit may even yet not be unworthy to live among mankind, nothing to make it probable that the crime was an exception to his general character rather than a consequence of it, then I confess it appears to me that to deprive the criminal of the life of which he has proved himself to be unworthy—solemnly to blot him out from the fellowship of mankind and from the catalogue of the living—is the most appropriate as it is certainly the most impressive, mode in which society can attach to so great a crime the penal consequences which for the security of life it is indispensable to annex to it. I defend this penalty, when confined to atrocious cases, on the very ground on which it is commonly attacked—on that of humanity to the criminal; as beyond comparison the least cruel mode in which it is possible adequately to deter from the crime.

決定的な証拠があって、法律の知る最悪の犯罪であると誰もが納得している場合、付随する状況がなんら罪を軽減しない場合、被告人がいまだ人々の中で暮らす価値が全くないわけではないという希望が一切ない場合、犯した罪が[被告人の]通常の人格の帰結というよりは例外であったということが全くありそうもない場合、そのときには私には犯罪者自身が無価値であると示したその命を奪うことがー厳かに人間の集団と生きているものの一覧表から彼を取り除くことがーもっとも適切であり、またすでにたしかに、 社会が重大な犯罪に対して生活の安全のために付与する事が不可避な厳しい結果を伴わせる事ができる印象的なやり方でもあると思えると告白します。[死刑の適用が]最悪の事件に限定されたのなら、私はこの刑罰を、ふつうそれが攻撃されているまさにその論拠に基づいて擁護しますー犯罪者の人間性[への配慮]です。[死刑は]比類なく最も残酷さの少ない、犯罪を防止することのできるまずまずのやり方であるということです。

If, in our horror of inflicting death, we endeavour to devise some punishment for the living criminal which shall act on the human mind with a deterrent force at all comparable to that of death, we are driven to inflictions less severe indeed in appearance, and therefore less efficacious, but far more cruel in reality. Few, I think, would venture to propose, as a punishment for aggravated murder, less than imprisonment with hard labor for life; that is the fate to which a murderer would be consigned by the mercy which shrinks from putting him to death. But has it been sufficiently considered what sort of a mercy this is, and what kind of life it leaves to him? If, indeed, the punishment is not really inflicted—if it becomes the sham which a few years ago such punishments were rapidly becoming—then, indeed, its adoption would be almost tantamount to giving up the attempt to repress murder altogether. But if it really is what it professes to be, and if it is realized in all its rigour by the popular imagination, as it very probably would not be, but as it must be if it is to be efficacious, it will be so shocking that when the memory of the crime is no longer fresh, there will be almost insuperable difficulty in executing it. What comparison can there really be, in point of severity, between consigning a man to the short pang of a rapid death, and immuring him in a living tomb, there to linger out what may be a long life in the hardest and most monotonous toil, without any of its alleviations or rewards—debarred from all pleasant sights and sounds, and cut off from all earthly hope, except a slight mitigation of bodily restraint, or a small improvement of diet? Yet even such a lot as this, because there is no one moment at which the suffering is of terrifying intensity, and, above all, because it does not contain the element, so imposing to the imagination, of the unknown, is universally reputed a milder punishment than death—stands in all codes as a mitigation of the capital penalty, and is thankfully accepted as such. For it is characteristic of all punishments which depend on duration for their efficacy—all, therefore, which are not corporal or pecuniary—that they are more rigorous than they seem; while it is, on the contrary, one of the strongest recommendations a punishment can have, that it should seem more rigorous than it is; for its practical power depends far less on what it is than on what it seems.

もし、死を強いることに恐れを抱いて、人間の思考能力を持って行動する犯罪者を生かしておいてほとんど死の刑罰と匹敵するような抑止力をもっている罰を考え出したとしたら、私たちは一見したところは苛酷さの少ない、それゆえに効果も少ないその刑罰に飛びつくでしょうが、実はこちらの方がはるかに残酷なのです。深刻な殺人の刑罰として、厳しい労働付きの終身刑よりも悪いものをあえて申し出るようなものは、ほとんどいないと思うのです。それが、殺人者を死に追いやることを厭う慈悲によって彼が引き渡される運命なのです。しかしこの慈悲がどんな慈悲であるか、彼に残された命がどんなものであるのかを十分に考えるとどうなるでしょうか? もし、あろうことか、実際にはこの刑罰が苦しいものでなくなってしまったらー数年前にあれらの刑罰がそうなったように名目的だけのになってしまったらーそのような刑罰の採用はほとんど殺人を抑制することを諦めるのと同じことになってしまうでしょう。しかしもしそれが額面通りのもので、公衆の着想によって厳格に実施されたら、とても起こりそうもないことではありますが、しかし、効果のある刑罰としてはそうでなければならないのですが、犯罪の記憶もうすれかけたような時にはあまりにショッキングであり、とても刑罰の執行を続けることには耐え難い困難が生じるでしょう。実際のところ、苛酷さという点で、急激な死による一瞬の苦しみを味あわすことと、生きながら墓に閉じ込られることにはどんな比較が可能でしょう? そこでは、もっとも厳しくもっとも単調な苦役の続く長いかもしれない生を、一切の慰安も報酬もなくー慰めになる光景からも音楽からも遠ざけられて、ただ、身体の拘束が緩められることと僅かばかりの食事の向上以外の一切の希望を排除されているのです。しかし、このように多くの事柄にもかかわらず、恐ろしいほど激烈な苦痛の瞬間がないことと、結局、知られざる要素がないことから、この刑罰は死よりも穏やかであると広くみなされています。絞首刑の減刑として規定されています。そしてそのようにありがたがられて受け入れられています。有効性が[刑罰の]期間に依存している刑罰ー体罰や罰金ではない刑罰ーはすべて見かけよりも厳しいという特徴を有します。一方で、実際よりもみかけの方が厳しく見えるというのは、刑罰の持ちうるもっとも強力な長所の一つではあります。というのも、[刑罰の]実用上の効力は、みかけよりも実態に依存するところがきわめて少ないからです。

There is not, I should think, any human infliction which makes an impression on the imagination so entirely out of proportion to its real severity as the punishment of death. The punishment must be mild indeed which does not add more to the sum of human misery than is necessarily or directly added by the execution of a criminal. As my hon. Friend the Member for Northampton [Charles Gilpin] has himself remarked, the most that human laws can do to anyone in the matter of death is to hasten it; the man would have died at any rate; not so very much later, and on the average, I fear, with a considerably greater amount of bodily suffering. Society is asked, then, to denude itself of an instrument of punishment which, in the grave cases to which alone it is suitable, effects its purposes at a less cost of human suffering than any other; which, while it inspires more terror, is less cruel in actual fact than any punishment that we should think of substituting for it. My hon. Friend says that it does not inspire terror, and that experience proves it to be a failure. But the influence of a punishment is not to be estimated by its effect on hardened criminals. Those whose habitual way of life keeps them, so to speak, at all times within sight of the gallows, do grow to care less about it; as, to compare good things with bad, an old soldier is not much affected by the chance of dying in battle.





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